Mamra almond is the most luxurious and scarce almond in comparison to other types of almonds. Mamra or mamae almond has a hard-light brown shell. mamra almond usually are in pair position (two kernels in one shell), also it has a sweat taste.
Mamra almond tree is very resistant to pests, but on the other hand, the fruit grows early. Its skin is also thinner than other almonds.
This type of almond is used in food industry in powder and slices and in nuts as salt and raw. Mamra almonds are used in the production of soap and various cosmetics due to their good fat content.
This almond is produced in Iran and is used in a variety of nuts with skin or as a nut.
This almond is planted in Kurdistan province of Iran, which has an average late flowering time. The ripening time of the fruit is early and the woody type of the fruit is very hard with a sweet nut flavor and a 48% nut content. In terms of fruiting habit, it is also incompatible with the annual branch and its type of fertility.
It is an oil seed that grows in areas with relatively dry and mountainous climates. The height of the almond tree reaches a maximum of 10 meters. It is a green tree that changes its color to dark brown over time.
Mamra almond tree is incompatible with spore fruiting habit and its fertility type like other similar cultivars. The fruiting time of this type of almond is one year.
The flowering time of Mamra almond is medium to late flowering. It grows well in all types of soil. Conditions for Mamra almond seedlings for proper germination requires a cold period in winter. In general, irrigate Mamra seedlings once a week during the first year after planting is necessary.
In general, humid climate is not good for almonds and semi-arid weather in mountainous areas is proper, and Mamra almond seedlings will have the best yield if planted at an altitude of 200 to 3000 meters above sea level.
Fruit Characteristics: Mamra almond cultivar is one of the most commercial almond cultivars in our country and its fruit quality is very high. Although its flowering time is medium to late flowering, but its fruit ripening time is relatively early.
Mamra almond wood shell is very hard. The taste of the kernel is sweet, the percentage of kernel is 48% and the percentage of twins is 36%. This almond is used in dried fruit and confectionery industries and powder preparation and is very important from an economic point of view.
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